2024 Police GLPMTS Registration
The 2024 GLPMTS registration is now open. Our rules have changed, including rider divisions. please review our rules page before registering to ensure you sign up for the appropriate class/division and you have an understanding of the rules and requirements. The rules can be viewed here.
Early bird pricing- If registered before July 1st 2024 - $150
If registered On July 1st 2024 or later - $200
Registration closes on Aug 1st ( unless approved by committee)
Civilian participants capped at 50 riders
Extra Banquet tickets can be paid for on the first day of the event. We ask you let us know if you plan on purchasing this ticket at the time of registration.

2024 GLPMTS Waiver
By Registering you agree and accept the following:
ACKNOWLEDGE THAT this notice advises me that there exists a risk of injury to my person and damages to property in my possession as a result of my involvement with the Great Lakes Police Motorcycle Training Seminar, hereafter referred to as "The Training Seminar".
AND IN CONSIDERATION of my voluntary involvement in the Training Seminar UNDERTAKE TO COMPLY
with all laws, rules, and requirements and to comply with directions given by any person(s) connected with The Training Seminar.
I FOR MYSELF, my heirs, executor, administrators, successors and assigns HEREBY RELEASE, WAIVE AND
FOREVER DISCHARGE the Training Seminar, the Board of Directors of the Training Seminar, including the
Staff, Volunteers and all sponsors, Motorcycle Masters, including the Instructors, Staff and Volunteers, the 407 ETR Concession Company Limited and its affiliates including Directors, Officers and Staff, and their respective agents, officials, servants, contractors, representatives, elected and appointed officials, successors and assigns OF AND FROM ALL claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, actions, causes of actions whether in law or equity, in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to my person or property HOWSOEVER CAUSED resulting or alleged to result from my involvement in the Training Seminar, whether prior to, during or after such involvement AND NOTWITHSTANDING that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of the aforesaid.
the aforesaid from and against any and all liability incurred by any or all of them arising as a result of, or in any way connected with my involvement in the Training Seminar, and I AGREE TO PAY promptly any damages, costs or charges incurred by the aforesaid as a result of my involvement in the Training Seminar.
There have been changes for eligibility to our classes and divisions of motorcycles. For full changes please read our rules page. For the purposes of registering please consider the following:
RIDER CLASSIFICATION: In order to be eligible for an award Competitors must compete in one of the following Police or Civilian Rider Classes. ELITE, EXPERT, INTERMEDIATE, or NOVICE.
Police Novice:
A rider who has completed a Police Level 1/ Basic Training (2 week) course and nothing higher.
A rider who places 1st-3rd in a Police Novice competition is no longer eligible for Police Novice and must move up to Police Intermediate.
That being said, nothing prohibits a rider who meets the Police Novice criteria from electing to compete in the Police Intermediate class.
Police Intermediate:
A rider who has completed a Police Level 1, 2, or 3/ Basic, Advanced, or VIP Training course but is not an Instructor, and has not taken the Instructor Course.
A rider who places 1st-3rd in a previous Police Novice competition.
A rider can remain in Police Intermediate for a maximum of five (5) competitions. After five (5) competitions they are no longer eligible for Police Intermediate and must move up to Police Expert.
That being said, nothing prohibits a rider who meets the Intermediate criteria from electing to compete in the Expert class.
Police Expert:
A rider who has completed a Police Level 1,2, 3, / Basic, Advanced, VIP, or Instructor Training course.
A rider who places 1st-3rd in a previous Police Intermediate competition.
A rider who has attended more than five (5) competitions.
A rider who places 1st in Police Expert moves up to Police Elite.
Police Elite:
A rider who has won Police Overall Champion or Mr./Mrs. Rodeo of this or any other police motorcycle competition, seminar, or similar event shall move to Police Elite. Once in the Police Elite division the rider is not eligible to compete for Mr./Mrs. Rodeo.
Civilian Novice:
A rider who has completed a Training Course (similar to MCM Training) and is capable of operating a motorcycle at slow speeds.
A rider who places 1st-3rd in a Civilian Novice competition are no longer eligible for Civilian Novice and must move up to Civilian Intermediate.
That being said, nothing prohibits a rider who meets the Civilian Novice criteria from electing to compete in the Civilian Intermediate class.
Civilian Intermediate:
A rider who has completed a Training Course (similar to MCM Training) and is capable of operating a motorcycle at slow speeds.
A rider who places 1st-3rd in a previous Civilian Novice competition.
A rider can remain in Civilian Intermediate for a maximum of five (5) competitions. After five (5) competitions they are no longer eligible for Civilian Intermediate and must move up to Civilian Expert.
That being said, nothing prohibits a rider who meets the Intermediate criteria from electing to compete in the Expert class.
Civilian Expert:
A rider who places 1st-3rd in a previous Civilian Intermediate competition.
A rider who has attended more than five (5) competitions.
A rider who places 1st in Civilian Expert moves up to Civilian Elite.
Civilian Elite:
A rider who has won Civilian Overall Champion or Mr./Mrs. Rodeo of this or any other motorcycle competition, seminar, or similar event shall move to Civilian Elite. Once in the Civilian Elite division the rider is not eligible to compete for Mr./Mrs. Rodeo.
MOTORCYCLE DIVISONS: The Board of Directors has assigned the following divisions to be used for the Competition. Upon registration your bike will be examined to ensure you are in the correct division. The Board of Directors will make the final decision on Attendance and Division.
Division I - Harley Davidson with fairing (Electra Glide and Road Glide)
Division II - Harley Davidson without fairing (Road King)
Division III - Other (BMW, Honda, etc)
Division I – Any Motorcycle with fairing similar to Harley Davidson Electra Glide
Division II - Any Motorcycle with without a fairing similar to Harley Davidson Road King
Division III – Other/ Open (Motorcycles in this division will be competing against a variety of other Motorcycles)
*Important* -Civilian registration now closed. We are no longer accepting civilian riders as we have reached our civilian rider limit.